Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fort Armorstabbed: The PPC's Let's Play Dwarf Fortress Succession Game

Let's Play Dwarf Fortress - Armorstabbed

What is Dwarf Fortress?
Dwarf Fortress is a game where, as the name suggests, you control a fortress of dwarves, keeping them fed, happy, and safe from a lot of things that want your dwarves dead. It lends itself to a lot of insanity, which the infamous LP Boatmurdered can explain better than I can.

The Legend of Boatmurdered - NSFW

Let's all have lots of Fun, shall we?

Contributors (so far, in no particular order):
- ObscurumAeterna
- JulyFlame
- Dann
- Nakkel
- Tranum
- Artell

The rules:
Everyone plays one year of game time each. You have a week real-time. When you see "Spring has Arrived!", save the file and pass it on. Remember to take pictures and make comments on them as time goes by in the year. If you completely ruin the fortress, we'll move back to the last save and pass it on to the next person.

Year One: Played by ObscurumAeterna

9th Granite, 254 – Armorstabbed is underway. Gathering of wood and plants has begun, and our ever talented miner has set about digging out a wide space beneath us.

Look at him, hard at work. No minerals struck yet, but that’s to be expected. Likely we’ll find some decent workable stone once he starts expanding and digging out the first few rooms.

So much digging in so little time – how has he not struck a mineral yet? It’s a good thing the surface is so heavily forested.

Watch his magnificent work unfold. So many rooms being dug out I have no idea what we’ll use them all for.

Six elephants? I wonder if they’ll turn out to be pink…

Now it’s coming together. Beds are in place, a small farm plot is being irrigated, and all the stockpiles are being moved from the surface to designated rooms below.

The heffalumps have moved on, it seems – to be replaced by seven siamangs. They shouldn’t cause any trouble.

Eight migrants! Eight! Time to put my micromanagement skills to the test, but at least they’ve brought more skills to the table.

Still no minerals… Our wonderful miner is hard at work digging out a large mining chamber. If he can’t find any workable stone soon, we’ll be unable to make any traps…

A few months later, the mining effort continues with no luck.

Success! Finally, while trading is about to conclude on the surface, the miner channels a few z-levels deeper and strikes a heck of a lode. With two separate shafts to dig on the levels above, what else will he uncover?

Well, progress is being made, and we seem to have staved off starvation for now. With winter winding away, the first level of our fledgling fortress is established…

…and our first source of minerals is finally revealed. Make no mistake, our industrious miner will be expanding these shafts much more.

Well, as spring rolls in, mining is well underway. Great stockpiles are formed…

… and the first shaft that turned up ores is far from complete.

My time in control of this small fortress is over, and though I leave my successor with a few problems – a potentially troublesome food shortage chief among them, unless he can make sense of the farming and start putting meals on the table – I am fully confident that between us, our team of LP players will turn this fortress into a mighty bastion of dwarven industry... Either that, or we’ll doom our dorfs to destruction in the next few years, but Dwarf Fortress is supposed to be Fun like that.

Fellow PPC Let’s Play buddies, I wish you luck.

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